Τι να πω, έχω μια ιδιαίτερη συμπάθεια στους μουσικούς του δρόμου, ίσως γιατί είμαι μουσικός, ίσως γιατί είμαι οπαδός της ελεύθερης βούλησης και σκέψης, ίσως γιατί είμαι κ.τ.λ. εκφράζουν την αίσθησή τους όπως την έχουν χωρίς κλισέ. Μ'αρέσει να κάθομαι να τους ακούω και να βλέπω τις αντιδράσεις του κόσμου. Άλλοι ρίχνουν κάτι, άλλοι περνούν αδιάφορα, άλλοι δεν ρίχνουν, έτσι και εγώ ποτέ δεν ρίχνω χρήματα γιατί δεν ξέρω πόσα πρέπει. Εκείνο όμως που και αυτός και κανείς δεν μπορεί να εκτιμήσει χρηματικά, είναι μια φιάλη κρασί. Διαλέγω ένα κρασί το προλογίζω και το δωρίζω. Αυτό κάνω και τώρα και αυτό το κρασί το δωρίζω στον άνθρωπο που παίζει πλήκτρα, τον ευχαριστώ γιατί πολλές φορές με διασκεδάζει παίζοντας ώρες χωρίς κάποιο κέρδος από μένα.
Στην υγειά μας!
What can I say about it. I have a particular fondness to the musicians of the street, perhaps because I'm a musician, maybe because I am a fan of the free will and thinking, maybe I'm etc.They express their senses in a real situation without cliches. I like to sit and to hear their music and watching the people passing in front of them. Others throw something, and others passing indifferently. I never throw money to them because I don't know how many I must to give them. But how much money costs a bottle of wine no one knows. So, I'm picking up a bottle of wine I write down a preface and a comment about it and then donate. What I do now. I have a bottle of wine right now in my hands and I'll donate to the man who plays keyboards. Thank him, because many times I spent good times hearing, without any profit from me.
Στην υγειά μας!
What can I say about it. I have a particular fondness to the musicians of the street, perhaps because I'm a musician, maybe because I am a fan of the free will and thinking, maybe I'm etc.They express their senses in a real situation without cliches. I like to sit and to hear their music and watching the people passing in front of them. Others throw something, and others passing indifferently. I never throw money to them because I don't know how many I must to give them. But how much money costs a bottle of wine no one knows. So, I'm picking up a bottle of wine I write down a preface and a comment about it and then donate. What I do now. I have a bottle of wine right now in my hands and I'll donate to the man who plays keyboards. Thank him, because many times I spent good times hearing, without any profit from me.
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